Faculty Research on COVID-19

Faculty Research on COVID-19

April 2020

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Impact of COVID-19 on North American Borders

Irasema Coronado, Ph.D.

May 2020

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Pandemic hitting Latino communities especially hard, ASU expert says

 Gilberto Lopez, ScD, MPH, MA

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The pandemic laid bare: ASU experts unmask societal impact of COVID-19

Eileen Diaz McConnell, Ph.D.

June 2020

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The Impact of the coronavirus pandemic on Latinos

Gilberto Lopez, ScD, MPH, MA

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New study reveals how COVID-19 is shifting our public, private behaviors

Edward Vargas,  PhD, MPH

July 2020

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"COVID-19 is having a devastating impact on the economic well-being of Latino families"

Edward Vargas,  PhD, MPH

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Fronteras de oportunidad en la pandemia: el Covid-19 presenta desafíos para la educación transfronteriza

Brendan O'Connor, Ph.D.

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Edward Vargas,  PhD, MPH

August 2020

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La salud en la frontera, en estado crítico. Conocemos la medicina que necesita

Irasema Coronado, Ph.D.

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American individualism is an obstacle to wider mask wearing in the US

Edward Vargas,  PhD, MPH

January 2021

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An equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccine must include noncitizens

 Gilberto Lopez, ScD, MPH, MA