

The success of our school depends on your involvement. If you would like to show your support through a financial contribution, we have set up a secure online form for your convenience. 

Your contribution to the development of the School of Transborder Studies is greatly appreciated!

Please consider giving online to our General Fund or the Scholarship Fund. You may also make a gift by check, payable to the ASU Foundation and mailed to the School of Transborder Studies address below:

Arizona State University
School of Transborder Studies

P.O. Box 876303
Tempe, AZ 85287-6303

Invest in the General Fund

Invest in the Scholarship Fund


All funds will be deposited with the ASU Foundation for A New American University, a non-profit organization that exists to support Arizona State University (ASU). Gifts in support of ASU are subject to foundation policies and fees.  Your gift may be considered a charitable contribution.  Please consult your tax advisor regarding the deductabililty of charitable contributions.