Guidelines for use of The Arizona State University Simon Burrow Map Collection, we ask partners to:
- Understand that map image files can and will be made available through an online data source (such as Dropbox or Google Drive). Know these files will only be available for a limited time, and no longer than a week. Should you require an extended period of time or an additional window of time for viewing, please contact the Manager of the Map Collection, Dr. Francisco Lava-Valencia, at
- Not circulate digital files or images of maps without expressed written permission from the ASU’s School of Transborder Studies.
- Acknowledge maps are part of the ASU Simon Burrow Transborder Map Collection by including the STS copyright logo (provided below) when shown in public venues, included on printed materials, part of web-based sites, or mentioned in promotional efforts.
- Use the following acknowledgment statement in all published reports or papers related to the maps: This research/project used maps from the ASU Simon Burrow Map Collection owned by the School of Transborder Studies at Arizona State University at Tempe, AZ.
- Allow review and approval for all images or visual materials that include maps to ensure the quality of the product meets the standards and criteria set by ASU and School of Transborder Studies. We reserve the right to refuse use of map images in materials and products.
- Not use any images or materials related to the ASU Simon Burrow Map Collection for commercial purposes.
- Provide copies of all materials produced related to efforts, projects, and events that incorporate research on and/or images of the STS Transborder Maps for our own records.
- Produce a report that documents efforts and resources provided in relation to the ASU Simon Burrow Map Collection that summarizes the: point(s) of contact with STS, STS resources utilized, impact of relationship with STS to your project, and that addresses outcomes of efforts in relation to maps.