The School of Transborder Studies (STS) provides a strong connection between the school and  students who experience STS as a safe, supportive and nurturing space within ASU. 

We have an computer lab where students can work individually or in a group.

Location: Interdisciplinary Building B, B163

Hours during the fall 2020 semester: Monday through Thursday from 8am to 4pm

We also provide an intense program of seminars, colloquia, and conference opportunities for students to engage and volunteer, promoting the connection between faculty and students outside the classroom.  

The tutoring resources listed below are free. We encourage you to take advantage of them. We do not currently offer tutoring for any TCL course; however, students have found the writing center to be helpful.

  • All Classes

Visit the University Success Programs to find tutors and other class support.

  • Math

The Math Tutor Center is located In the Bateman Physical Sciences Center A Wing/Wexler Hall or PSA-116. If enrolled at ASU, you can get help with MAT 106, 117 (and the stretch version 194), 119, 142, 170, 210, 211, 251 and MTE 180, 181.

  • Writing

The Writing Center is located in UASB 140. The Writing Center helps undergraduate and graduate students become better writers.

Additional resources for students are an integral part of student success and we encourage you to explore and utilize these resources to enhance your student experience!